Saturday, October 22, 2011

Onward with the Project

So... roof is on, sheeting is on... gutters came yesterday.  Moving ahead!

Cherish can put on sheeting!!  Not perfect and not necessarily correctly, but ON, which is a big deal at my house these days.  I inlisted the help of my girls who are very good at helping their crazy mom with all the pojects I try to start and finish.

And up next comes the siding, now that could be a while.  Knowing that it could be a while I went ahead and stained the sheeting to the same color of the siding.  Mostly I wanted to protect it from the weather that I am sure it will see before siding goes up.

We have a few other things that have to be finished before we can make it to that stage.  We are now contemplating what we will put on the inside to finish things.  We are thinking cedar or pine tongue and groove for the ceiling, but the walls are still a debate.  Has to be something that can hold up to weather since there will only be screens for windows.

And the projects continue...