Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Baby is Saving Babies

I am supposed to be keeping you updated on the website and the progress that is happening with the rebuild.

Today I am moving on to a different topic.  I have a little girl who has always loved animals.  She loves them to the point of complete distress if anything happens to them and has decided she would like to be a veterinarian.

A couple days ago a nest fell out of the tree in the wind and rain and the mama never returned.  The neighbors called and asked if my baby would like to feed them.  After looking online we found that if you soak dog or cat food in warm water you can feed it to the babies.  So all of this started (the feeding) yesterday in the afternoon. 

This morning I really thought I would wake up to dead baby birds but....  5 live baby birds!  They are still eating and sleeping.

So... this is exciting... my baby might just turn out to be Dr. Dolittle!